Week 6: Part B


This was my attempt at posting a screenshot of my scheduled posts for FaceBook...

This is the best I could do to show that I've scheduled some posts.  Not sure how I even managed to do that!  I don't know why I couldn't get a screenshot to work.  I took this with my phone, sent it to my email, downloaded it, and posted it here.  Seems like a ridiculous amount of steps for something so simple.  I've no idea what I'm doing.  I couldn't find the Activity Log on FB and I feel like I'm totally winging it with FaceBook and all Social Media.  I'm not really sure what I'm doing.  I'm frustrated because there's so much information out there on how to manage each of these platforms, none of it helps and I just want something that is straightforward that would just give me clear direction.  I feel like I have to take constant tutorials to figure something out and it feels like it just wastes more time and nothing really seems to be making sense.  Uhg!  Where is the "Social Media for Old People, Aliens, and Dummies" directions?  I'm lost:-(


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