Week 7: Get Visual-Let a Picture Tell The Story

The Instagram account for my friend's business was created a couple of years ago.  Since she created it, she has gained a few followers and follows a few other people, but she honestly hasn't had the time to keep up with being able to create meaningful content on an ongoing basis.  She tries to keep up with it, but she has a very busy life.  I'd like to create a new, fresh Instagram for her to breathe some new life into a business that she's worked so hard at creating.  She's self-taught, hard-working, and has some of the most delicious creations I've ever tried.  (And I'm a chef!)  So, she does have an account, but she doesn't post very often and she rarely gets the opportunity to try something different using Social Media. She has a total of 14 posts, 25 followers, and is currently following 7 people.  

I think we can totally expand on those 25 followers by reaching out to them and encouraging them to post their reviews of her products or to share their own photos of what she has made for them.  I think we can invite them to view and comment on her new Instagram look and get their input.  Engage with them.  No hashtags have been used as far as I can tell, but  I am looking forward to exploring that a bit more.  And I'd definitely like to add more photos, more photos, more photos!  So, I hope I can inspire her by creating a new look for her and help her reach out a little bit more to her potential consumers by using her Social Media effectively, creating some cool hashtags, and take a lot more photos of her most delicious creations.  Wish me luck!  

I visited Amanda Cambell, Jazmin Cueva, and Brittany Allen-Robertson's Instagrams.  (The others on my team weren't available yet.)  I really liked them all.  Amanda has a ton of photographs of her art and it gives a great sense of who she is as an artist.  She has a ton of followers.  Jazmin also has some stunning photos of her cake creations...she's unbelievably talented!  Serious competition there!  She's amazing and she used Instagram to show it!  She also has a lot of followers too.  Brittany is building up her Instagram, so it's in the early stages.  She's using her logo, which I love, and she's keeping it in the theme of her business and I think she'll have no problem finding her way here.  

It takes time to build up these platforms and with this particular media being so visual, it may require a different approach to how Brittany presents her business here.  That's tricky, because it's not just a pretty piece of art she has to sell, it's a totally different type of business concept, so how do you convey what you do visually when it's not a tangible product?  I think maybe trying images that convey the feeling of what her consumer feels when purchasing her service might be a good place to start exploring, but I'm not sure.  

Each of these Social Media platforms has a different personality and not all products can easily conform to those.  It's finding what works best for your product and how you can communicate it best to your consumer.  Where are they looking for your service or product and how can you provide them the compelling information so that they need to want to purchase it?  This is what we want to know and I think trial and error can sometimes pay off in the end.  Just go for it!


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